Buttons, specifically form submit buttons are no exception. My mission today was to prevent 'double clicks', which are a problem when the submit action takes long to resolve: users grow bored and stress test the button.
Ordinarily, one could simply rely on the rails goodness of :disable_with => 'some value'. However, this happens to break ajax forms. Soo...
After some searching on google and a couple of tries, I tossed all the crap out and went back to basics [people suggested using observers and the like to detect the click. Mission!].
Surely html tags have basic events, like onclick, onmouseover and the like? A quick test showed me that <input..../> indeed responds to onclick. So, all I had to do was wire the onclick to some js to turnoff the button.
Here is when I came up with:
<% form_remote_for @foo, :url => foo_path(@foo) do |f| %>
<%= f.error_messages %>
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<caption>Update a foo <caption>
<%= render :partial => "form", :object => f %>
<td colspan="2">
<%= submit_tag "Update", :onclick => "this.disabled=true;" %>
<% end %>
Yup, that simple. It works partly because of how my page reloads/ajax is designed. The app uses a "content" div to flip ajax content. So, when a user hits 'Update' in this case, the div is replaced with a new 'show' partial or a new(same) 'edit' partial. Point is the button is rendered and you don't need to know to re-enable it on error.
Do do this, I use these little treasures of RJS goodness I concocted myself:
if object.errors.empty?
#the two lines below allow us to call this magic for models associated with other controllers
path = "/#{object.class.name.underscore.pluralize}/"
class_name_underscore = object.class.name.underscore
#create a pass-through variable if none exists
eval "@#{class_name_underscore} = #{object.class}.find(#{object.id})" unless (eval "@#{class_name_underscore}")
page.insert_html :bottom, "list-body", :partial => "#{path}#{class_name_underscore}", :collection => [object]
page.replace_html "detail", :partial => "#{path}show"
page.visual_effect :highlight, "#{class_name_underscore}-#{object.id}", :endcolor=>"#c0c0c0", :restorecolor=>"#c0c0c0", :duration=>3
page.replace_html "detail", :partial => "#{path}new"
page.replace_html "flasher", :partial => "/flasher"
if object.errors.empty?
#the two lines below alow us to call this magic for models associated with other controllers
path = "/#{object.class.name.underscore.pluralize}/"
class_name_underscore = object.class.name.underscore
#create a pass-through variable if none exists
eval "@#{class_name_underscore} = #{object.class}.find(#{object.id})" unless (eval "@#{class_name_underscore}")
page.replace "#{class_name_underscore}-#{object.id}", :partial => "#{path}#{class_name_underscore}", :collection => [object]
page.replace_html "detail", :partial => "#{path}show"
page.visual_effect :highlight, "#{class_name_underscore}-#{object.id}", :endcolor => "#c0c0c0", :restorecolor => "#c0c0c0", :duration=>3
page.replace_html "detail", :partial => "#{path}edit"
page.replace_html "flasher", :partial => "/flasher"
You keep these in app/views/ and forget about them. They do all the heavy lifting ajax in my projects, now that's DRY.